Contemplation & Action
Contemplation and action are the in-breath and out-breath of a life with God.
“Who do we choose to become?” Breathe in.
“What work is ours to do?” Breathe out.
These questions reflect our desire to be people of contemplation and action. In contemplation we enter stillness, silence, and solitude to be present to and be transformed by the love of God. How do we do this? In our times of worship and in our day-to-day lives we take time for moments of reflection and silence, we pay attention to God’s presence in nature and one another, we pray poetry, we notice our breath, and we encounter the holy. Such practices slow us down, shape who we are becoming, and make us attentive to the Spirit.
In action we enter our neighborhoods, our communities, our world to notice how God is already at work and respond in ways we hope are humble and loving. We ready a youth center for reopening, send care packages to isolated college students, and help plant and harvest a wheat field whose ancient grains help us reconnect with our creation siblings.
There are so many ways to bear witness and bring healing to our wounded world.