What We've Come to Trust
Shared Understandings
We experience each person as unique, valuable, and with a rightful seat
at the table of belonging in a family of faith where they can be nurtured, supported and inspired.
We understand that each person is on a spiritual journey, and we trust that God’s unconditional presence, love, and collaboration meet each of us where we are. It is the work of the church to mirror that presence as a communal spiritual practice.
We are called to bring a transforming self to our communities through conscious dependence on the Spirit, cultivating greater awareness of self, God, and others.
We are coming to know the triune God expressed as Creator, resurrected Christ, and the Spirit, who guides and brings about the creative and redemptive work of Love in the world.
We are in relationship with Christ, as Logos, the template for all of creation, deeply embedded in all things, and so experience all of Creation as beloved community to be honored, enjoyed, and cared for with humility and gratitude.
We experience the scriptures as a living document in relationship with its readers through the Spirit, and whose words of life are for the liberation of all people.
We live with the conviction that people of all sexual orientations and gender identities are fearfully and wonderfully made in the image of Christ, born with essential dignity and intrinsic value, and equally loved by God. We welcome and invite LGBTQ persons to participate in every capacity of our communal life.